One day, I was in Whole Foods and I wanted a fresh juice from the juice bar. This particular day, I was feeling adventurous, so I decided against my normal "Ginger Zinger" and ordered the "Just Beet It" juice. First sip of this juice and I was pleasantly surprised! What had I been missing out on? It appeared like a whole lot! :-) I carried on my day with a boost of energy and I knew that it could only be attributed to the beets. Below, I have included just some of the health benefits, as well as a beet green smoothie recipe that I made at home.
Benefits of Beets & its leaves:
- known to fight symptoms of depression - contains Betaine
- high in fiber, folic acid (great for pregnant women), potassium, vitamin C
- rich in antioxidants & naturally reduces inflammation
- reported fighter of cancer and high blood pressure
- purifies blood, detoxifies the liver & cleans colon
- aphrodisiac - dubbed "natures viagra"

Beet Green Smoothie Recipe:
- 1 beet
- 1 navel orange
- 1 banana
- 1 cup of pineapples (I used crushed pineapples, as seen in the picture)
- 2 cups of spinach
- 1 tbs ground flaxseed
- water & ice