20 Ways to Maintain Mental Health

Mental Health is still somewhat of a taboo topic. Unlike many terminal diseases, a person and their mental health is relatively unseen. I recognized long ago, when counseling my mentally ill clients, that they are no different than me. We ALL are affected by our own mental well-being.

As I am creating collateral pieces for a project, I thought to post 20 ways to maintain your personal mental health. Enjoy!

  1. Carry a journal to write your thoughts
  2. Balance your eating habits - 3 portioned meals per day
  3. Take nothing personally
  4. Have "me" time - take breaks
  5. Choose your words - especially your feeling words
  6. Listen to music
  7. Ask for feedback
  8. Be aware of your feelings - good and bad
  9. Surround yourself with supportive people
  10. Do no harm to self or others
  11. Ask for what you want
  12. Sleep 6 or more hours a day
  13. Try something new
  14. Count your blessings (gratitude)
  15. Set limits when you need to say "no"
  16. Be flexible
  17. Read a book
  18. Stop trying to please everyone - be yourself
  19. Ask for help when you need to
  20. Plan a trip, even if you don't take it