Wellness Break: Chiropractic Care

For some time now, I had been meaning to see a Chiropractor for my digestive and irritable bowel (IBS) symptoms. So a few weeks ago, I decided to go and I had not one, but two spinal adjustments within a few days. Upon arrival to my initial appointment, I had some stomach pangs that were fairly constant and had been that entire morning. Shortly after my doctor adjusted me, I noticed a difference. I am clear that it was not just in my head, as I have been experiencing IBS since summer of 2012 and I am attuned with my body. Of course, I have to balance my diet with my wellness care by eating mostly gluten-free foods. Cutting out gluten and dairy has significantly lowered my IBS symptoms. Yoga also helps me to practice stillness, so that the muscles in my large intestine also relax.

Here are some benefits of having a chiropractor adjust your spine. As you can see, there are several areas relating to your mental health that improve by having an adjustment. As a holistic health practitioner, I advocate for at least a consultation. However, I also recommend that if you see a MD on a regular basis, that you consult with him/her first. If you are like me and are pretty aware of your well-being and you've done the research on problematic areas, find a reputable chiropractic physician in your area and seek them out. There are pros and cons to having a spinal adjustment, some cons can be life—threatening. Please do your due diligence by researching before having an adjustment.

What has been your experience with chiropractic care? Positive and negative experiences are welcome.