Mental Pollution

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week and I thought it'd be best to challenge ourselves to de-clutter...mentally. I don' t know about you, but life seems to be happening rather quickly lately. I have been so busy with day to day operations, that I have neglected my own mental health and that is entirely unacceptable! After having a wildly draining week, I decided that I needed to shift gears and what better time to do so?!

Feeling major distractions or a sense of uneasiness are the first signs of stress. Practicing self-awareness, you can easily recognize these signs early on before it becomes a much larger issue. Just as you would de-clutter your personal space, it is also a healthy practice to identify and remove unwanted clutter from your mind. This process, on a continuous basis, is sure to help improve your overall mental well-being.

In honor of Mental Health Awareness Week, I would like to challenge you to relax and take care of yourself. If you are wondering how you can do so, here are 10 tips that I pulled (and tweaked) from the "The Healthy Living Manifesto" blog post:
  1. Get enough sleep (try to commit to 7-8 hours a night)
  2. Pray and/or meditate
  3. Exercise (3-4 hours a week)
  4. Journal ("Write the vision, make it plain...")
  5. Breathe. Deeply. (& often!)
  6. Remove negativity (this includes unhealthy people & also media)
  7. Love yourself
  8. Avoid or stop smoking
  9. Eat 3 clean meals per day (remove processed foods, drink at least 50 ounces of water per day, eat more fruits & veggies)
  10. Live a life with purpose!!!
What are some ways that you care for your mental well-being?