Liver Flush Cocktail

I love a good cocktail, don't you?! Well, if you are a non-alcoholic drinker, this might be right up your alley, just pretend its cranberry and vodka for the fun of it!

Our bodies are cleansed by a myriad of ways and one of the most important ways to rid ourselves of toxins is via the liver. I post of liver cleanse recipes often, but this is a new one that I wanted to share. It is very energizing, so I would recommend drinking at least 1 glass per day for at least a week or two.

Quick Liver Flush Cocktail Recipe:
  • 4 oz of raw cranberries. You can juice these yourself for added nutrition or you can purchase the purest, unsweetened glass bottle of Cranberry juice you can find. Typically a $5-$9 price tag.
  • 4 oz of water
  • 1 tbs of Raw Apple Cider Vinegar (see my old post here on the brand to purchase)
  • 1/2 of a Lemon juiced or freshly squeezed
  • 10 drops of B-12
  • Mix all of the above ingredients together, serve over ice & enjoy!
This cocktail is not your average cocktail, it is very tart to the taste. Hopefully your taste buds will become acclimated the more that you continue to consume it.